
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Credit Hour # 2 - The DW Project

All rights for Doctor Who belong to the BBC. No infringement intended.

All transcripts for Doctor Who Season 5 and its Christmas Special are from Diary of a Procrstinator.

Compilation of all transcripts on this site are done by yours truly, Artz!

I think that covers everyone for this Credit Hour! See ya next time!

The DW Project # 5

All episodes for Season 5 including its special are now available. Coming Soon: The adventures continue with Amelia and Rory Williams!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

The DW Project # 4

All transcripts for Season 4 have been made available. This is also includes the specials; The Next Doctor, Planet of the Dead, The Waters of Mars, and The End of Time Part 1 and Part 2. Coming Soon: The Eleventh Doctor and his adventures with Amelia Pond and Rory Williams in season 5!

Credit Hour # 1 - DW Project

This post is to give credit to where credit is due.

Doctor Who is the property of BBC, not mine. No infringement intended.

Transcripts for Seasons 1 through 4 are all done by the hardworking folks at who-transcript. The Specials; The Next Doctor, Planet of the Dead, The Waters of Mars, and The End of Time Part 1 and Part 2 are from Diary of a Procrastinator.

Compilation of transcripts on this site is done by yours truly, Artz.

I think I got least for now.

The DW Project # 3

All transcripts for Season 3 have been posted, along with the mini episode, Time Crash, and the Christmas Special, Voyage of the Damned. Coming Soon: the adventures of the Doctor and the feisty Donna Noble in Season 4!

Useful Tips # 2 - Musical Inspiration

Hello all fan fiction writers! Today's useful tip while exploring the world of fan fiction is music. If you're getting stumped about what scenes or series of events comes next then listen to some kind of music. I, personally, would listen to the soundtracks or scores for whatever series, movie, or game I was writing in, but sometimes inspiration will strike when you least expect it.

For example: The song, Not Gonna Get Us by TATU, inspired an epic battle scene between my original character, Artz, and an entire army of Daleks.

So keep an open mind and when you get stumped, just listen to some music. You'll never know what you might come up with!

Friday, April 1, 2016

The DW Project # 2

All of the transcripts for Season 2 of the Doctor Who reboot are now available. Coming Soon: Doctor Who Season 3!